Industrial installations
Berzosa de Lozoya reservoir

Justification of the stability of an existing slope
Construction of a photovoltaic park in Mâron (France)
Client: Ijes Solar

Mission: Dimensioning and justification of foundations according to the French standard (NF P 94-261, Eurocode 7). Calculations were performed with Foxta v4.
Taiwan Seawater Desalination Plant
Client: EIC

Mission: Geotechnical and structural justification of temporary sheet piles for the passage of pipelines.
AREVA - La Hage-Bâtiment 115 (2015)
MOANICKEL-Sites 1, 2 et 3
Design of surface and deep foundations under different load cases. Study of alternative solutions.
Tower Crane Plant Site (Madagascar) – LAGEOTEC (2017)
Technical advice on the modelling of all the crane’s piles (using Foxta). required for the construction of an industrial site.
CNR – PCH Rochemaure – Montélimar – Misión G3 (2011-2012)
Design of temporary and permanent retaining walls for a hydroelectric power station, taking into account the construction and service phases (including several exceptional cases).
Preparation of all execution calculation notes and checking of formwork and reinforcement plans.
SIAPP - Redevelopment of the Clichy plant (2013)
Sizing of a retention basin: study of several alternative solutions (monobloc, bi-lobe, tri-lobe). Design of cylindrical diaphragm walls and foundation piles (subjected to hydrostatic pressure under the foundation slab).
If you have any questions about our services, software or courses, please do not hesitate to contact us by telephone on +34 623 005 258, by e-mail: or by filling in this form.