
A web platform for all your geotechnical projects.

It is a collaborative web platform that allows to host all geotechnical investigations (boreholes and tests) of a multitude of geotechnical projects.

Numerous tools allow you to analyze this data to build your geological and geotechnical models (soil profiles, statistical tools).

The integrated calculation tools library allows you to perform geotechnical pre-dimensioning with ease.


Download software, guides or software updates here

Centralize your projects

A project database with integrated mapping (GIS). Import your base maps (dxf, geojson, geotiff).

All your soil data

  • 100% AGS compatible database.
  • Easy import / export (csv, Excel, ags).
  • Automatically edit your reports.
  • Consult public data.
  • Analyze your pressuremeter tests.

Analyze your data

Decision support tools for representative values: statistics, graphs, profiles and 3D blocks, automated reports.

Pre-dimension your structures

A library of calculation modules to perform simple parametric pre-dimensioning, complementing detailed modeling using Terrasol suite software.

Exclusively on Orbow

Explore stratigraphy, create profiles in a few clicks
Evaluate and compare carbon emissions of structures

What makes the difference

  • All in one : Professional data management, tools
  • Secure: you are at home: we create your account, you manage it.
  • Proven: our geotechnical engineers are our first users.
  • Innovative: our tools meet the needs of our engineers and are constantly improved.

A flexible and clear licensing system

The number of licenses is the number of simultaneous connections to the platform.

  • FREE: View your data
  • BASIC: Edit and utilize your data
  • PRO: BASIC + advanced analysis and calculations
  • ULTI: PRO + engineer support


Download software, guides or software updates here


If you have any questions about our services, software or courses, please do not hesitate to contact us by telephone on +34 623 005 258, by e-mail: info@geodeltia.com or by filling in this form.
